Saturday, August 17, 2013

Flowers in August

clockwise from top left: unknown pink wildflowers; same close-up; ground roses; lavender; butterfly bush; juniper berries.

We just moved out to our land last fall, so we spent this spring and summer doing some basic landscaping  (think grass, and cutting down brush). We did get a few pretty things planted, and I invested a bit in some perennial bushes and bulbs that hopefully will bring us more blooms next year. I'm hoping to get lots of flowers planted throughout the year to always have something to cut and take to church. I love taking flowers to church, especially when I can cut them from the yard. It's a simple gift, but yet another opportunity to take something God has given us, cultivate it, and offer it back to him. 

I didn't think I had many blooms left for the Dormition, but after walking about I was able to put together two pretty bouquets for church, mostly made from the plants pictured above, plus some greenery to fill it out.

I thought I'd keep track of what's blooming each month, so next year I'll know what to look for when I'm cutting flowers. I thought the juniper berries and lavender might make nice bouquets for the fall when I don't have much color left. Hopefully this will help me determine if there are any seasonal holes that need filling as I'm planning, too. You can keep up with these posts here. And in case you're wondering, I live in US zone 7. 

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