Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Read good books a little at a time.

I am continuing to listen to Fr. Evan Armitas's class, "I'm a Christian, Now What?" exploring Fr. Thomas Hopko's 55 Maxims. This year in our homeschooling, I have already noticed the truth of this maxim. Sometimes its tempting to stay up all night reading a new book (as my 8 year old is wont to do). Reading slowly through good books helps you stay in the story longer, reveling in it, and so, getting to know the material more intimately, you remember it better. The girls and I have been slowly reading Royal Monastic. There is so much history that needs explanation for them, so it takes us more time to get through each chapter. Yet, now, we've been living with Princess Illeana for so long, I do feel so endeared to her.

This is maxim number 16. If you're looking for other places to read about the 55 maxims, check out Fr. Stephen's post (and comments) here. Hope you enjoy this little printable!

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