Sunday, April 24, 2016

Red Egg Poem printable

I decided to play around with a new red egg design this year, and I made a little poem to go with it. It fits a full size page, but feel free to scale it down for cards, etc. We're almost there!

I'm not much of a poet, but this is my Red Egg Poem:

In Holy Week, we remember
the blood Christ shed,
and so we dye our eggs
a deep dark red.
The hard egg shell reminds us
of the sealed tomb of stone,
where they laid Christ body
while he went to Hades alone.
But there he took death captive
and broke the gates of Hell,
and so we shout, "Christ is risen!"
And crack our red egg shell.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the lovely poem! It teaches the meaning of what Christ did for us so simply and eloquently. We will be using it this year. Many thanks!


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