Saturday, March 25, 2017

A Pagan Easter?

Each year, as Easter approaches all the people make all the comments about the pagan origins of our feast. It drives me batty. Last year I tried to positively channel the crazy into an informative, interesting, and happy post about the origins of Easter celebrations: Celebrating Christ on Easter (with baskets!) Most of this blog is printables, so writing it was a little out of my comfort zone, but it was something I really wanted to share and hoped people would read. I still do. Go read it.

But... I also poured some of the crazy into a series of sarcastic comics that made me giggle. If you don't like sarcasm, just read the other thing. :)

It's that time of year... 

Nothing like throwing out the baby and keeping the bathwater...

Rumors > sources

The consequences of existing in the world...

It's all in the timing.


  1. These are hilarious! Glad I found my way over here through Matushka Emma at charmingthebirdsfromthetrees. I'm on my way now to add a link to this website on the sidebar of my blog. Thanks for your offerings :)

  2. oops - had trouble above proving I wasn't a robot and didn't get my name in. I'm Shamassy Monica.

  3. Ah, thanks! I was a little nervous about posting my sarcasm, so I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)


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