Friday, February 23, 2018

Akathist Printable

We have the book "Rejoice, Panagia" which is a beautifully illustrated book about the Akathist. I do really love it, but the translation is different than what we use in church, and it uses the greek letters. Those things make it harder to explain the alphabet acronym to my kids. So, I've been meaning to put together a printable for several years, and finally got around to it. My kids will take it to the Akathist tonight to follow along, along with the pretty book. It uses the version of the Akathist from the Antiochian liturgical guide.

It fits on one page, front and back, and should be folded in half like a book. You can color the letters, but its mostly for readers who will be paying attention to how the verses follow the alphabet. Drag the jpgs to your desktop, or download or print the pdf embedded below.

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