Thursday, December 31, 2020

Righteous Tamar

 I'm researching St. Ephrem the Syrian's unique attention to Tamar in Genesis 38. In my writing, I noted hers isn't the kind of story we write Sunday school songs about - but if we did, we should try to convey the wonder & symmetry that St. Ephrem finds in her story.

So then of course, I felt compelled to write a child-friendly song drawn from his Hymn 9 on the Nativity. I just wrote new words for the Galician Carol, "We Learned for the Angel," which is about the greeting to Mary at the Annunciation. So you hear the familiar ring of "Rejoice, Mary, full of grace," which may be lazy, but also totally appropriate.

Anyway, please enjoy my geeking out over this redeemed story:

Rejoice, O Tamar,
Woman full of faith,
Our Lord has made you chaste.

You sat at the gate
And you stole life,
So you were not afraid.

Blessed Foremother of the Lord!
Blessed desire for the savior you bore!
Rejoice, O full of faith!

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