Monday, July 3, 2017

Happy feast of Ss. Peter and Paul!

We had so much fun making our Apostles postcards! I went out of town the last week of the fast (and missed the feast with the kids), so we didn't quite make one for every day. But we learned about some new-to-us saints, and some new details about familiar apostles, and I found that my kids really like cut-paper collage. I'm hoping the postcards actually went through the mail successfully. :)

I am really enjoying my own growing understanding of the continuity of this fast/feast with what we've been thinking on through Lent, Pascha, and Pentecost - the Apostles work and our own carrying out of Christ's gospel into the world. I'm so grateful for the cycle of feasts and the way they are educating me in faith.

I'm keeping the other 28 postcards we didn't send in our homeschool cabinet, so I'm all ready to go for next year! I might improve on my apostle's guide between now and then.

Our 12 completed postcards

Apostles Timothy and Ananias of the Seventy

St. Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles; and St. Patrick Apostle of Ireland

Ss. Cyril and Methodius, the Apostles of the Slavs;
and St. Nicholas of Japan, Equal to the Apostles

St. Zacchaeus of the Seventy Apostles;
St. Olga Princess of Russia, Equal to the Apostles

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