Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Great Lent Printables (Calendar, Lady Lent, and Services Cards)

I made some new printables for the kids at our church last week, and wanted to share.

First, is a new version of my older Lenten Calendar - the difference is that this one is made with cartoons I drew myself (and the previous one used the line drawings from the OCA education website), but also I made a second page with stamps of many of the other services of Lent. You can either paste them in to match your church's service schedule, or earn stamps as you attend services. I'm not sure how I'll use them this year, but here they are:

I drew a Lady Lent that includes the poem:

And finally I made these cards of services of Great Lent. I made these specifically to create a bulletin board for our church kids. I printed the first page (which has the Sunday's of Lent) full size, but I printed pages 2 and 3 at 50% so that the cards are smaller. Its basically a green winding path with the large Sunday cards spaced evenly throughout, and the smaller weekday cards inserted where they belong on the calendar. I also cut out a small black figure of Lady Sarakosti, and the children and I will move her along the path through Lent. 

You could probably come up with other uses for these cards - let me know if you do!

Bulletin board!

1 comment:

  1. You've done a great job with these; thank you so much!


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