Thursday, March 2, 2017

Church Quiet Book

I haven't sewn any children's toys in a while, but wrangling a toddler during Liturgy with Clean Week impending gave me some motivation. I made this "quiet book" type toy (although, not actually a book), full of activities that little ones can actually do in church (well, mostly, we don't actually have a lot of bunnies at church).
Church Quiet book!

Outside the church, a bunny hides in the grass.
A pocket is full of flowers to put by the icons.
(There's also a heart in the pocket, that we use to "kiss" the icons.)

She can ring the (sorta-muffled) church bell.
Inside, she can drop coins in the money box.

Take candle sticks from the box, and put them in front of the icons.
Turn pages of the book at the kliros.

Father can swing the censer, and the little girl can bow.

The royal doors open to show the holy gifts.

Take antidoron from the bowl. (Definitely the favorite!)

An angel worships with us!

I think a book format might actually help her focus on one thing at a time a little longer.  But it was fun to show her how the priest swings the censer, and then say, "Look, her comes Father!" - and then pick her up to see the real Father emerge to cense the church. It has only been so-so successful at actually being a quiet and entertaining toy, as these things go; but the the big kids and I are all enjoying it, too. :) 


  1. This is incredible!! You are so talented! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I posted this in an Orthodox group on Facebook and everyone wants to buy one!! :) Check it out!

  3. Now you can! Ancient Faith is selling some play mats as well as the pattern:


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