Monday, February 27, 2017

Clean Week Coloring Pages for the Great Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew

I just remembered I made these coloring pages last year in a bit of hurry, and I am digging them out again for tonight. Initially, I found coloring pages from other websites with stories mentioned in the canon, but then my daughter specifically asked for the words of the verses to help her identify the stories as we went through the canon. The first two pages include troparia from the canon on Monday night, the other pages are more general.

Also, I've created a page with all of my printable in one place (or at least linked to) for your/my convenience - so I can't find my coloring pages next year!
Canon of St. Andrew (Odes 1-5, Monday night)

Canon of St. Andrew (Odes 6-9, Monday Night)

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