Thursday, August 1, 2019

New Dormition Printable

 I've been using this printable Dormition Calendar for many years, but this year I decided to quickly sketch up a new one that includes the cross. We bring the cross into the church, venerating it throughout this fast and remembering how God heals us through Christ's saving work. The cross is a comforting reminder for us, as we prepare for the death of the Theotokos, that we do not grieve without hope. Death is overcome and becomes now the entrance into the mystery of life with Christ. We look to the Theotokos as the leader of Christians, the first to believe in Christ, the first to enter into life with Him. Most Holy Theotokos, pray to God for us!

Color a flower each day to decorate the icon and cross for the feast! Just grab the image and save it. I've always thought it would be lovely to do this activity by gluing paper or other fake flowers onto the paper each day, but we haven't done that yet. We do love to bring flowers to church for this feast!

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