Friday, November 15, 2019

Akathist of Thanksgiving

As we approach Thanksgiving and the Nativity fast, I'm thinking about ways to draw my children's hearts (and my own!) toward gratitude. My friend and khouria recently suggested having children choose from the ikos of the Akathist of Thanksgiving and draw some of the imagery in it. I tend to run with an idea - so I formatted the whole Akathist with one kontakion or ikos per page. I think we will draw on the paper around the words, and then staple them into a book.

This hymn of Thanksgiving is was written by Metropolitan Tryphon, and found among the effects of Fr. Gregory Petrov who died in a Soviet prison camp in 1940.  The refrain "Glory to God for all things" is reminiscent of the words of St. John Chrysostom as he was dying in exile. This is an expression of the joy and peace we find in our Savior when we assume a posture of humble gratitude even amidst terrible sufferings.

Akathist of Thanksgiving Printable

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